- High school students who have completed their junior year and have a strong interest in a healthcare profession.
- All students must be US citizens or permanent residents, and one-year Arizona residents
- Must have GPA of 3.0 or higher and complete the interview process.
- Med-Start welcomes applications from all students. Because they are underrepresented in the healthcare professions, students who are of ethnic minority backgrounds (Hispanic, Native American, African American), are first-generation college, and/or are economically disadvantaged, are especially encouraged to apply.
The Med-Start Tucson program is a residential program. All participants are required to reside in a University of Arizona residence hall through the duration of the entire program under the supervision of Counselors and Staff. Participants must PARTICIPATE at ALL presentations, tours and required classes.
Click here for tutorials on how to complete the online application.
Must submit completed supplemental forms included below:
*To complete these forms, please download them onto your computer and fill them out using Adobe Acrobat.