Learn About Med-Start


The Med-Start Health Careers Program is a six-week summer academic enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for 11th Grade High School  students interested in the health professions. High School students reside at the University of Arizona Residence Hall and participate in the program during the summer (Beginning of June-Mid July) after completing their  junior year.

Med-Start  was created in 1969 by Dr. Merlin K. "Monte" DuVal, MD  to introduce students the importance of healthcare in Arizona. Med-Start in collaboration with the Arizona Area Health Education Centers (AZ-AHEC) introduces young people prepare for their future in the health professions by exploring career opportunities and providing college-level coursework in English and science and math. The students will gain opportunities to participate in professional lectures, health-related fieldtrips, and hands-on lab experiences and live on campus.

The Med-Start program in partnership with Arizona-Area Health Education Centers  is a collaborative effort between the UA College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing and College of Public Health and other departments at The University of Arizona and other Arizona educational and healthcare organizations. 

 Apply here                 

(Application available September 1st - February 1st) 

 Must submit completed supplemental forms included below, please download the provided files to complete application, once completed send to Alma Aguirre, Program Manager via email

Recommendation Form

Extracurricular Activities    

*To complete the RECOMMENDATION forms, please download them onto your computer and fill them out using Adobe Acrobat OR PRINT them and email completed forms. 



  • College-level English course (1 elective college credit)
  • Introduction to College Chemistry Lab (1 college credit)
  • Introduction to College Math (1 college credit)
  • Hands-on presentations and demonstrations
  • Special lectures on health careers
  • Live on the University of Arizona campus & Eat at the UA Student Union Campus
  • Tours of healthcare and research facilities
  • Tour Arizona Universities 
  • College 101 (Resume Building, Write a strong Personal Statement, Write a strong university application, reseach scholarships, Life Skills: Time Managment, Financial Literacy, Study Strategies)


  • High school students who have completed their junior year and have a strong interest in a healthcare profession.
  • All students must be US citizens or permanent residents, and one-year Arizona residents
  • Must have GPA of 3.0 or higher and complete the interview process. 

The Med-Start Tucson program is a residential program.  All participants are required to reside in a University of Arizona residence hall through the duration of the entire program under the supervision of Counselors and Staff. Participants MUST PARTICIPATE at ALL presentations, tours, travel, required classes, community service, weekend scheduled events and complete all course assignments and research projects.  

The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity and is committed to maintaining an environment free from sexual harassment and retaliation.

Med-Start 2023 Booklet

UofA students interested in applying for counselor (full-time) positions  OR need to complete your internship? Don't wait APPLY NOW by clicking below.

 summer employment opportunities  and non paid-internships for UA Students 



1.  Live in Residence UA Hall with PAID room and board provided during the 7  weeks of your employment.

2.  Obtain invaluable skill-building, leadership, training and enrichment opportunities. 

3.  It will allow you to learn and develop skill that will enhance your job marketability.

4.  The benefits go far beyond a paycheck.  Building trust and positive lifetime relationships with the students. 

5.   As a counselor you will learn how to encourage students to challenge themselves and how to put the students before you.

6.   Gain knowledge of all Arizona Universities and health professions along with the students. 

7.   Become a mentor and leader

8.   Being a counselor or intern will provide you a meaningful experience and accelerate your towards your career.

9.   Build your Resumé.  Letters of recommendation from UAHS-EDI.


For more information, contact Alma Aguirre, BS, Program Manager via email or 520-621-3708

This website is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under grant number D18HP32129 Health Careers Opportunity Program, as part of an award totaling $3,199,800 with 80 percent financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit

Student Testimonies