Financial Assistance

Sometimes stress stems from worry over tuition, rent, food and all other expenses. Everyone’s situation is different but these are common worries and experiences. You are not alone and there are organizations out there to assist you...check out the links below!
- Caridad Community Kitchen
Featuring a feeding program at congregate meal sites, a 10-week culinary training program for unemployed and underemployed individuals, and a full catering service, Caridad is built on the principle that hunger in our community can be solved in many ways. - Interfaith Community Services
ICS provides financial assistance and short-term case management for individuals or families in emergency situations. The types of assistance offered include: rent and mortgage, utilities, emergency prescription medications, food and gas vouchers, and back-to-work expenses such as permits, ID′s and clothing vouchers. - Pima County Services
Emergency assistance for rent, utilities, homeowners information and much more. - IGrad Provides entrance loan counseling, financial literacy assessments and videos.
- UA Campus Pantry Distribution events offer important food stables at no cost to students and staff.