Challenges and Progress in Access to Health Care and Coverage for Low Income Arizonans for 2022

Wed, 01/26/2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Daniel Derksen, MD

Daniel Derksen, MD - is the University of Arizona Health Sciences Associate Vice President for Health Equity, Outreach & Interprofessional Activities. He is a tenured Professor of Public Health in the Community, Environment & Policy Department, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, with joint appointments in the Family Medicine Department at the College of Medicine-Tucson and in the College of Nursing.

Dr. Derksen is the Walter H. Pearce Endowed Chair and Director of the Arizona Center for Rural Health and the Acting Director of the Arizona Area Health Education Center Program. He leads the UArizona Health Sciences Strategic Plan initiative on Interprofessional Education.

As principal investigator of state, federal, foundation, contracts, and grants of over $65 million in his academic career, Dr. Derksen’s service, research and education activities include informing legislative, regulatory, and program policy to improve health equity; increasing health insurance coverage; reducing the uninsured; narrowing health disparities; developing, implementing and evaluating interprofessional serving-learning sites; and working to assure a well-trained and distributed health workforce to meet the health needs of all Arizonans.


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Event Coordinator: 
Lydia Kennedy
(520) 626-1197
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