(VIRTUAL) American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and MedPride Ours to Tell Film Screening & Discussion

Thu, 04/30/2020 - 5:30pm

Zoom - Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/WStWsgws9NJra9Xh9

If you have not received the Zoom link and password before the day of the event, please email AMWA president Britt Gratreak (grat@email.arizona.edu

UPDATE: This event will be hosted via zoom! Because it is fully virtual, we want to make sure that non-UA students know that they can attend as well. Everyone is welcome!

All you need to do is RSVP by this link and make sure your Zoom account matches the name/email address you RSVP with:

Join the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and MedPride for a virtual film screening and discussion about the empowering aspect of access to healthcare. “Ours to Tell” is the story of four people who live full and empowered lives because they had the freedom to access abortion. This film comes as communities of color, LGBTQ people, and many others are increasingly denied access to abortion — and as people across the country face an unprecedented assault on the legal right to access it. “Ours to Tell” shows us the world we could and should have — one where all people are able to access the health care they want, need, and deserve, with compassion and support.

Dr. Holly Bullock will be joining us to discuss reproductive healthcare and what challenges we face to provide care to our patients during this pandemic.

This event is free and open to the public.

Event Coordinator: 
Britt Gratreak
Event Contact Department: 
UA College of Medicine – Tucson