College 101

Welcome to College 101 and Introductions

Your decision to consider a career as a health professional is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. We encourage you to take a tour through the Virtual Learning Center by clicking on links at left and learn how to plan for your future!

The College of Medicine at the University of Arizona/Tucson campus and Arizona Health Opportunities Pathways to Excellence (AZ-HOPE) welcomes you to College 101. AZ-HOPE is a Health Careers Opportunity Program, sponsored by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Our mission is to enhance the healthcare workforce by helping students — students like you! — gain admittance to institutions of higher learning where you will train for your career as a health professional. Through this online course, you’ll learn about yourself and better define your health professions career. Although you are in high school now, there is much you can and should do NOW to get ready for the next step in your education. This course can guide you as you prepare for the next step in your education.

As you work your way through the 10 modules (please see navigation on left) you will see activities that are linked to a virtual portfolio.  You’re going to create a career preparation portfolio, referred to throughout this class simply as your portfolio. This portfolio is where you will be able to see, in a glance, your hopes, dreams and goals, and the specific steps you need to take to realize those goals.

Split Screen

Often you'll need to have two windows open at once on your desktop in order to complete the activity. For instance, you'll have the instructions from this website visible on your desktop at the same time that another window to a different website is visible on your desktop. If you're unfamiliar on managing split screens in Windows, take a look at this video for instructions on how to do this:

Split Screen Tutorial

Gmail and Google Docs 

Throughout College 101, you'll be creating documents that will be stored on Google's free Cloud Storage platform, Google Docs. In order to use Google Docs, you will need to create a Gmail account.


We recommend that you complete each module (and each activity within each module) in order. However, if you wish to jump ahead to a topic of great interest to you, you may do so. As you work through the modules you'll notice several "icons" These are interactive features that will allow you to make entries in your portfolio, go to a website, research a topic and/or join a discussion. Here's an explanation of each icon:


The Portfolio icon links to Google Drive and enables you to upload photos, videos, documents, and other files that you want to record in your portfolio. 5GB of storage FREE.

Click on icon to learn more and sign up. If you already have a Gmail account, simply click on the "Go to your drive" button. Once logged in, click "Drive" on the top black bar of your account.

Explore further information on the internet. Click on link next to this icon to go to Website.

Click on link next to this icon to go to a Video.

Research a specific topic next to this icon.

Join in on the Discussion!